Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Webboard Project

The Doorway to Instruction and Learning in the Web.

The Context:

The continuing investments of government, civil society and private schools to improve delivery of instruction through deployment of computer workstations and Internet access in the library, instructional laboratory, and student computer activity center have brought the opportunity for the on-line learning repositories to improve curricular content and instructional delivery.

The proliferation of Internet Cafe, computer shops, community e-centers, and TELCO offering Internet access services at affordable rate per hour has given impetus to students and out of school youth to hang around these places. In the process, the Internet services have come to redefine the attitude and approach to interactivity, leisure, and learning of the students and other users.

Hence, with the digital opportunity comes the challenge to improve understanding of learning and teaching within the context of on-line instructional event.

The teachers must be self-enabled, empowered to fulfill their role of “teaching” inside the digital space.

But many schools are faced with the challenge on how to begin. On how to align and optimize the Internet investment to achieve the goals of instruction and learning.

The Project:

The WebBoard Project provides the implementation framework on how the school can initiate, plan, build, deploy, support and evaluate on-line learning services through open source solutions, or by merely using the readily available Internet based service infrastructure to jump start the integration of information and communications technology in teaching and management.

Get the Internet Services:

The WebBoard Project opens an implementation strategy for the schools to use the e-learning resources in the Internet to support instruction and learning.

It brings the school website to students, teachers, and parents as the on-line space to experience instruction and learning.

It introduces a process to bring into the hands of the teachers the guidance, the walk-through experience, and the tools to create and manage on-line instructional web space. The guided exposure to the on-line learning content will improve the knowledge base, and enrich the instructional activity of teachers.

It empowers the teachers to engage the students to learn inside the Internet.

From the classroom, the students are led to continuous learning inside the WebBoard where on-line instructional presentation, reference, activity, and assessment are openly published and updated by teachers within the context of the school’s defined competency standards.

The Project Components:

1. Creation of teacher- managed instructional website to elearn. A web based extension of the teacher’s blackboard, named as WebBoard. It involves:

  • Setting up of content hosting address
  • Use of templates and authoring tools
  • On-line writing, editing, publishing and support of instructional presentations, guided activities, reviewed references, and test materials that students can access on-line before and after the classroom based instruction.

2. Capability Building Workshop designed for the teachers to:
  • Define the common language, work objectives, work packages, process and technology to implement e-learning.
  • Create on-line identity through the use of public Internet services.
  • Define the framework to formulate the Instructional Plan that integrates digital technology resources
  • Create reusable Instructional Plan template that incorporates modalities of e-learning and content from readily available digital repositories.
  • Search and evaluate reusable learning objects that are readily available in the Internet.
  • Design and build the subject e-learning web board to contain subject instructional guide, study guide, lecture notes, links to on-line forum, e-mail group, blogs, wikipedia, and on-line content references.
  • Review and use curricular content and standard references from the World Wide Web, and integrate the use to the approved curricular references.
  • Work with open source application software that run both in Windows and Linux to get into the Internet, to search and retrieve information, to create presentation, write and publish web pages, and to collaborate and communicate.
  • Use Open Source Licensing Framework to publish instructional presentations on-line.
Project Sites:
  1. ischool WebBoard
  2. CWC Webboard
  3. NDGM WebBoard
  4. Municipality of Imus
  5. TeacherWebboard
  6. BalsontheWeb

A View on WebBoard Project
Tales from the Edge: how the web is changing learning
A keynote paper by Gerry White, CEO of, presented at the ACEC conference in Australia

Get Started with ICT

This post presents the basic things to know about information and communications technology for teachers.

  1. Hardware and Software
  2. The User Interface
  3. Linux or Windows
  4. File Management
  5. Writing Tools
  6. Presentation Tools
  7. Web Authoring Tools
  8. Network and Internet Applications
  9. Information Management
  10. Image and Graphics Manipulation
  11. Video and Audio
  12. IPR and Acceptable Use Policy

Instructional Design to eLearn

This post presents the pedagogical mindset and instructional design process for on-line learning.

  1. Learning, Instruction and Competency
  2. Defining the Learning Objectives
  3. The Instructional Events
  4. Active Learning
  5. Instructional Design Process
  6. The Instructional Designer
  7. The Presentation Layout
  8. Evaluation Framework
  9. Somerights Notice

Speaking of Internet Services

This post presents the different services available in the Internet to support instruction and learning.
  1. Get Connected - Via LAN, Direct connect DSL, Dial-Up
  2. Basics of User Interface - Desktop Components, Mouse, Keyboard
  3. Browse the Web - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
  4. Web Address - URL
  5. Search the Web - search engine
  6. Open the File -html, swf, pdf, png, jpg, avi, mpeg, mov, doc
  7. Meet the Internet Services -WebMail, WebLog, Wiki, WebHost, File Service, Forum, Survey
  8. Open the Learning Resources - On-line Library, General References, Subject Area References, On-line Learning Site, On-line Assessment Site, On-line Survey
  9. Publish in the Web - WebHost, CMS, FTP, Web Authoring
  10. Collaborate in the Web - Forum, Group Mail, Wiki,
  11. On-line Wordprocessing, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and Graphics Editing
  12. On-line File storage and sharing
  13. Create Website

Search EduMaterials

This post presents the different search engines, and how to use them to gather instructional materials. It talks on how to evaluate learning resources in the Internet.

  1. The Crawler
  2. The Metacrawler
  3. Yahoo Search Engine
  4. Google Search Engine
  5. Google Book Search
  6. Microsoft Live Search Engine
  7. Webcrawler
  8. Alltheweb
  9. Dogfile
  11. Infoplease Search
  12. Internet Public Library Search

Introducing On-line Identity

This post presents the different modes of creating on-line identity in the Internet
  1. email address
  2. weblog address
  3. wiki address
  4. web site
  5. forum site

Using Webmail

This post introduces the different service providers of webmail, and how to use the email program.

  1. Communication through WebMail
  2. Selection and Creation of Webmail Account
  3. Read and Reply Message
  4. Compose and Send Message
  5. Attach and Send File
  6. Contact List
  7. Etiquete of emailing

eForum and Mail Group

This post present the use of eform or discussion board, and mail group

  1. Discussion through eforum
  2. Sharing through mail group
  3. Using Amazingforum
  4. Using PhpBB

Create Lesson Weblogs

This post presents the steps to create lesson weblog to publish instructional presentations in the Internet.

  1. On-line publishing in the Internet
  2. Create a web address
  3. The Weblogs Editor
  4. Using Blogger
  5. Using Wordpress
  6. Using Edublogs

Build Lesson Wiki

This post presents the use of Wiki services in publishing on-line instructional presentation, and to do project collaboration in the web.

  1. Publishing on-line through Wiki
  2. The web address
  3. Using the Wiki Editor
  4. Using Wikispace
  5. Using PBwiki
  6. Using Wikipedia

On-line Test and Survey

This post presents the Internet services to conduct on-line test and survey.

  1. The goals on online test and survey
  2. The evaluation rubrics
  3. Using the Quizmaker -Discovery Quiz
  4. Using Quizstar

Introducing Atutor Learning Content Management System

This post presents the use of Atutor

Curricular Standards

This post presents best practices on curricular standards that integrates ICT to enrich instruction and learning.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Webboard Capability Program (TechGroup)

  1. The ICT Service Goals of the Webboard
  2. The Webboard Technology Environment
  3. The ICT Service Support for the Webboard

Webboard Capability Building Program (School Admin)

  1. The Project Term of Reference
  2. The Project Plan
  3. The Project Sustainability Framework

Webboard Capability Building Program (Teacher)

Training Title:

WebBoard: an e-Learning Capability Training of Teachers

Three (3) days

Training Brief:

Webboard is an open content web project to jump start on-line learning services in any school.
The aim is to use the Internet based content and tools to support instruction and learning.
The goal is to build on-line identity for all teachers, and for them to become self-directed learners and quality providers of instructional content and activities inside the Internet.
It fosters on-line collaboration among teachers and subject matter experts in the development of web based instructional presentations.

It makes the teachers transform the web as the virtual location of learning references, the medium to publish instructional guidance for learning, and the place to initiate activities for the students to search for knowledge and continuous learning outside the physical classroom through the Internet.

Program of Training:

Day 1:

1. eLearning Context and Instructional Design Framework
2. Internet Services to Support Instruction and Learning
3. Open Source WebBoard Authoring ToolKit
4. Create On-line Identities

Day 2:
1. Build Instructional WebBoard of Learning Presentation, Activities, References and Assessment
2. Search and Evaluate Instructional Resources from the Web
3. Create Instructional Wikiboard

Day 3:

1. Create on-line Practice Test
2. Create on-line Forum Space
3. Create Instructional WebBlog
4. Organize Class for WebBoard Use

Training Output:
1. Teacher On-line Identities: email address, wikiboard address, and weblog address
2. Ten (10) published on-line subject topics.
3. Ability to to use of open source software for webboard authoring
4. Ability to use the tools and framework to evaluate Internet based content resources
5. Understand the methodology to integrate the Internet to support instruction and learning

Participant Pre-requisite:
1. Experience in preparing lesson plan of a subject matter area
2. Very good reading and comprehension skills in English
3. Basic knowledge of keyboarding, graphical user interface and word processing
4. Participants must bring:
  • Ten (10) accomplished and written lesson plans on any of the following subject areas: English, Math or Science
  • Ten (10) sets of prepared quizzes (10 items per quiz) of the following subject areas: English, Math or Science

Training Resource Requirements:
1. Computer Laboratory with Internet connection (to be provided by the training sponsor)
2. Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer Browser with java and macromedia flash plug-in (to be provided by the training sponsor)
3. Webboard Open Source Software Authoring ToolKit (to be provided by facilitator)

  1. Compentencies for Internet Based Instruction and Learning
  2. Design Instruction for On-line Learning
  3. Learn About the Internet Services
  4. Open Source Software Support
  5. Create On-line Identify
  6. Search and Qualify Learning References
  7. Define On-line Learning Activity
  8. Administer On-line Assessment
  9. Build On-line Presentation
  10. Share your instruction and learning web address called webboard